                Interpretation of TV Commercial : Cultural Identify within  
                                    localized TV commercials 
In this page we've attempted to investigate how effectively TV commercials can be used to study different human societies and how individual cultural identity maintained itself in this process.

"Culture, it is argued, is not so much a set of things , novels and paintings or TV programmes or comics , as a process, a set of practices. Primarily, culture is concerned with the production and exchange of meanings , the `giving and taking of meaning' between the members of a society or group . Thus culture depends on its participants interpreting meaningfully what is around them, and  `making sense' of the world, in broadly similar ways. (Hall, 1997)

"Many of the Fortune 500 companies have utilized ethnographies to gain valuable insight and an insider perspective of a customer's values, beliefs, and behaviors. For example, ethnographies can reveal where a particular product fits into a customer's life. Often those who had a hand in creating the product can view it from their own perspective giving it more importance than a customer does. The product may mean months of hard work, long hours, and in-depth research and development to the company stakeholders whereas a customer may view it as a tool to simplify their life without giving it much thought. Ethnography offers a shift in perspective to the customer's point of view"(Gray,2009).

Visuals, have unique characteristics that can capture facts of phenomena that are missed by words.Hence, using visual materials for gathering empirical data on human societies/cultures can be one of the best technique to do so. Basically ,much academic research centres around the notion that globalisation can be likened to cultural colonisation though more recent anthroplogically-leaning findings suggest that global branding provides a site of negotiation between local cultures and global products.

What dose Glocalization  mean ? 

A combination of the words "globalization" and "localization" used to describe a product or service that is developed and distributed globally, but is also fashioned to accommodate the user or consumer in a local market. This means that the product or service may be tailored to conform with local laws, customs or consumer preferences. Products or services that are effectively "glocalized" are, by definition, going to be of much greater interest to the end user.

The globalization of media consumption and the need for glocalization reflects the cultural similarities and differences people across the world share.Global media is often portrayed in a local globalization – which gives people a better sense of identity as well as a familiar lens through which to view a global media. Glocalization suggests that people need a local context to understand or appreciate global media, indicating that people are in actuality quite different from each other.

Coca-Cola’s “Pearl of the Orient” Commercial

"For example ,Coca-Cola’s 1955 advertisement “Pearl of the Orient” gives an example of glocalization. The 21-minute film portrays Coke as a Filipino product; it shows Coke to fit in with the traditions, habits, and culture of the Philippines, such as community events like festivals and dances. Coke, according to the advertisement, is “wholesome”, “pure”, “your friend”, and “part of the family”. “Pearl of the Orient” is a clear example of glocalization; the global product, Coca-Cola, is portrayed in a local way that wouldn’t apply to any other region or culture."(Richard,2010)


An other example of Coca Cola commercial but in Arabic version back to 1940's .As Coca cola fit with their culture ,tradition and lifestyle.